25 February 2015

Dental Break

Surprised and delighted yesterday to see an advert on my screen that read:
'Dental Holidays Bulgaria. New teeth in one week, save 70%. Request free information here: ask.dentaprime.com'
Such a great idea for a relaxing break! I'm booking immediately. Photos of new Bulgarian teeth to be posted later in the year.

13 February 2015

Bulletproof Bra

I was cheered over the weekend by the widely-reported story from Brazil, about a woman who was caught in robbery crossfire, and who afterwards found a bullet lodged in the undercarriage of her bra. 'Lingerie Saves Life' claimed at least one headline, although the woman herself (a shopkeeper named Ivete Medeiros) preferred to credit divine intervention. 

I felt duty-bound to show my own triple-strength underwired brassiere a bit of respect this morning, before strapping it on and pacing the mean streets of London.