18 April 2012

The Female Eye

Back at the make-up counter, I once asked a white-lab-coated salesgirl to show me some mascara. 'I don't do anything to my eyes', I said apologetically. 'I can see that', she snapped, and indeed she saw it through layers of gels, creams and coloured powder surrounding her own eyes. We didn't make it as far as mascara. She was adamant that I should start by investing in a cream for my aging eyes- more precisely, for the area around my aging eyes- and that put pay to my budget. Mascara seems to be one of those additions without which many women won't leave home. For some, it's mascara plus eyeliner, and even eye shadow. The time spent! We need to evolve. There's no reason the anatomy of the eye shouldn't be enhanced by items that evidently make the female more attractive to the male of the species, and I foresee the updating of biology textbooks in the not-too-distant future. We should consider ourselves lucky that we don't have compound eyes.

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