6 December 2012

Three Easy Poses

Tonight is my regular yoga night. I'm a yoga agnostic, or possibly just a slacker yogi.
I attend classes in an attempt to prevent my body seizing up as I creep towards general decrepitude. I treat the poses as exercises, which is not the attitude of a true devotee. Rather than attaining self-purification and the conquest of the body to render it a fit vehicle for the soul, etc., I only hope to be able to touch my toes when I hit eighty.
Early on, when I was in a more enthusiastic phase of practice, I acquired the classic guide, 'Light on Yoga', by B.K.S.Iyengar, 'the world's foremost authority'. I have taken the liberty of reproducing a few photographs of Mr. Iyengar demonstrating a few simple poses, and some rather more advanced variations. You'll notice that in none of the snaps does Mr. Iyengar look happy, but I suppose that's not the point. He's certainly taking it more seriously than I am. My 'down-facing dog', above, and his, below:
Followed by 'prasarita padottanasana', of which I can manage only the simplest version:

And finally, a balancing pose. 

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